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Privacy Policy

Política de Privacidad

Este texto legal le da detalles de cómo recopilamos y procesamos sus datos personales a través del uso de nuestro sitio web http://, incluyendo cualquier información que pueda proporcionarnos a través del sitio cuando proporciona sus datos a través del formulario habilitado para tal fin. 

Al proporcionarnos los datos, le informamos que nuestros servicios no son posibles para aquellas personas que la normativa les impide prestar consentimiento, por lo que cuando nos remite los formularios nos garantiza que tiene la capacidad suficiente para otorgar consentimiento. 

A continuación le informamos sobre la política de protección de datos de: Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L

1. Responsables del tratamiento.

Datos de contacto de los responsables: 
Denominación Social:



  • B-92322148
  • B-29777372
  • B-13731112

Domicilio Social:

  • Calle Lago de los Cisnes, s/n, Marbella, Málaga, C.P. 29.602
  • Urb. El Capricho s/n, Marbella, Málaga, C.P. 29.602
  • Calle Lago de los Cisnes, S/N, Marbella, Málaga, C.P. 29602


  •  34 952.90.27.55
  •  34 952.77.32.48


  • Contamos con Delegado de Protección de Datos, con el que podrá contactar en el email:

Datos registrales:

  • Registro Mercantil de Malaga, Tomo 2984, Sección 8, Libro 1897, Folio 1897, Inscripción 1º, Hoja MA54362
  • Registro Mercantil de Malaga, Tomo 1848, Sección 8, Libro 761, Folio 176, Inscripción 1º, Hoja MA25019
  • Registro Mercantil de Málaga, el día 25 de Mayo de 2023, al Tomo 6340, Libro 5248, Folio 218, Sección 8, Hoja MA174464, I/A 1

Autorización Junta de Andalucía (Boja núm. 161 de 19 de agosto del 2009)

  • 29016847
  • 29011451

 Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, son los responsables de sus datos. (En adelante nosotros o nuestro). 

2. ¿Qué datos recopilamos? 

El Reglamento General de Protección de Datos, define los datos personales como toda información sobre una persona física identificada o identificable, es decir cualquier información capaz de identificar a una persona. Esto no incluiría los datos anónimos, ni porcentuales. 
Los datos de carácter personal que se pudieran recabar directamente del interesado, serán tratados de forma confidencial y quedarán incorporados a las correspondientes actividades del tratamiento, titularidad de Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L.
En nuestra Web podemos procesar ciertos tipos de datos personales, que podrán incluir:

  • Datos de identidad: nombre y apellidos-
  • Datos de características personales: fecha de nacimiento y nacionalidad.
  • Datos de contacto: email y teléfono.

No recopilamos ningún dato relativo a categorías especiales de datos personales (aquellos que desvelen su origen étnico o racial, las opiniones políticas, las convicciones religiosas o filosóficas, la afiliación sindical e información sobre su salud, datos genéticos o biométricos). 
En caso de que se le solicite recopilar datos personales por ley o según los términos de contratación entre nosotros y se niegue a facilitárnoslos, es posible que no podamos realizar dicho contrato o prestar el servicio, debiendo comunicárnoslo con antelación.  

3. ¿Cómo recopilamos sus datos personales? 

Los medios que usamos para recopilar datos personales son:

  • A través del formulario de nuestra página web, a través de nuestros email de contacto, por teléfono o correo postal, cuando:
    • Solicita información de nuestros servicios
    • Contrata la prestación de nuestros servicios 
  • Para asegurar la calidad de nuestro portal, tenemos que reservamos el derecho de rechazar cualquier solicitud de registro o bien de suspender o cancelar un registro previamente aceptado si entendemos que no cumple estos requisitos o cualquier otra ley o norma. Si esto ocurre, intentaremos exponer los motivos de nuestra decisión, pero no nos podemos comprometer a hacerlo en todos los casos.
  • A través de la tecnología o interacciones automatizadas: en nuestro sitio podemos recopilar automáticamente datos técnicos sobre su equipo, acciones de navegación y patrones de uso. Estos datos son recopilados a través de cookies o tecnologías similares. Si quiere ampliar la información, puede consultar nuestra política de cookies aquí 
  • A través de terceros:
    • Google: datos analíticos o datos de búsqueda. Fuera de la Unión Europea.

4. Finalidad y legitimidad para el uso de sus datos. 

Los usos más comunes de sus datos personales son:

  • Para la formalización de un contrato entre  Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L y usted.
  • Cuando preste su consentimiento en el tratamiento de sus datos.
  • Cuando los necesitemos para dar cumplimiento a una obligación legal o regulatoria.
  • Cuando sea necesario para nuestro interés legítimo o de un tercero. 

El Usuario podrá revocar el consentimiento prestado en cualquier momento enviando un correo a o consultando el apartado de ejercicio de derechos más adelante.

A continuación adjuntamos una tabla en la que pueden consultar las formas en las que vamos a utilizar sus datos personales y la legitimidad para su uso, además de saber qué tipo de datos personales vamos a tratar. Podemos procesar algún dato personal por algún motivo legal adicional, por lo que si necesita detalles al respecto puede enviar un correo electrónico a

Formulario Finalidad Tipo de datos Legitimidad para su tratamiento
Admisión La finalidad es la gestión de solicitudes de admisión recibidas vía web
  • Nombre
  • Apellidos
  • Nacionalidad
  • Fecha de nacimiento
  • Email
  • Teléfono
Consentimiento del interesado (art. 6.1.a RGPD)
Medidas precontractuales (art. 6.1.b RGPD)
Tratamiento es necesario para la satisfacción de intereses legítimos perseguidos por el responsable del tratamiento (art. 6.1f RGPD)

Finalidad: sólo utilizaremos sus datos para los fines para los que los recopilamos, a menos que consideremos razonablemente que debemos usarlo para otro motivo, notificándoselo previamente para que esté informado del motivo legal de su procesamiento y siempre y cuando el fin sea compatible con el propósito original. 

5. ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservaremos sus datos?

Se conservarán durante el tiempo necesario para cumplir con la finalidad para la que se recabaron y para determinar las posibles responsabilidades que se pudieran derivar de dicha finalidad y del tratamiento de los datos. Será de aplicación lo dispuesto en las diferentes normativas respecto al plazo de conservación, en lo que resulte de aplicación al presente tratamiento.
Datos de los suscriptores por e-mail o formulario: Desde que el usuario se suscribe hasta que se dé de baja. 

6. Menores de edad.

Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L no autorizan a los/las menores de 14 años a facilitar sus datos personales a través de los medios habilitados en este sitio web (cumplimentación de los formularios web para la solicitud de servicios, de contacto o mediante el envío de correos electrónicos). Por tanto, las personas que faciliten datos personales utilizando dichos medios manifiestan formalmente ser mayores de 14 años quedando Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L eximidos de cualquier responsabilidad por el incumplimiento de este requisito.
Si su hijo/a de edad menor al límite de edad establecido, ha proporcionado información personal a Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, póngase en contacto para poder solicitar el ejercicio de sus derechos aplicables.

En aquellos casos en los que los servicios ofrecidos por Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L estén destinados a menores de 14 años se habilitarán los medios para recabar la autorización de los padres o tutores legales del/de la menor

7. Ejercicio de los Derechos de Protección de Datos:

¿Cómo ejercer dichos derechos? Los usuarios podrán dirigir una comunicación al domicilio social de Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L o dirección de correo electrónico incluyendo en ambos casos fotocopia de su D.N.I u otro documento de identificación similar, para solicitar el ejercicio de los siguientes derechos:

  • Acceso a sus datos personales: podrá preguntar a Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L si está usando sus datos personales.
  • A solicitar su rectificación, si no fuesen correctos, o a ejercer el derecho al olvido con respecto a los mismos.
  • A solicitar la limitación del tratamiento, en este caso, solo serán conservados por  Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L para el ejercicio o defensa de reclamaciones
  • A oponerse a su tratamiento: Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L dejará tratar los datos en la forma que nos indiques, salvo que por motivos legítimos o para el ejercicio o defensa de posibles reclamaciones, estos deban seguir tratándose.
  • A la portabilidad de los datos: en caso de que quieras que sus datos sean tratados por otra firma, Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, le facilitará la portabilidad de sus datos al nuevo responsable. 

Podrá utilizar los modelos puestos a su disposición por la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, para ejercer sus anteriores derechos: Aquí 

Reclamar ante el DPO: si considera que hay un problema con la forma en que Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L y Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L están tratando sus datos, podrá dirigir sus reclamaciones previamente al Delegado de Protección de Datos, que mediará para la correcta resolución del conflicto:

  • Email DPO:
  • Dirección: Calle Lago de los Cisnes, s/n, Marbella, Málaga, C.P. 29.602
  • Urb. El Capricho s/n, Marbella, Málaga, C.P. 29.602

Si no es posible resolver el conflicto, siempre puede acudir ante la autoridad de control correspondiente, siendo en España, la competente para ello: Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

Le solicitaremos información específica para ayudarnos a confirmar su identidad y garantizar su derecho a acceder a sus datos personales (o ejercer cualquier otro de los derechos mencionados anteriormente). Esto es una medida de seguridad para garantizar que los datos personales no se revelen a ninguna persona que no tenga derecho a recibirlos. 

Todas las solicitudes las solventaremos en el plazo legal indicado de un mes. No obstante, puede llevarnos más de un mes si su solicitud es particularmente compleja. En este caso, le notificaremos y le mantendremos actualizado. 

8. Comunicación de datos: prestación de servicios.

Es posible que, en el desempeño de nuestro trabajo, necesitemos de la ayuda de terceros, que solo trataran los datos para prestar el servicio contratado, y con los que disponemos de las correspondientes medidas para garantizar sus derechos:

  • Proveedores de servicios que brindan servicios de administración de sistemas y tecnología de la información.
  • Asesores profesionales que incluyen abogados, auditores y aseguradores que brindan servicios de consultoría bancarios, legales, de seguros y de contabilidad

Todos los encargados de tratamiento a quienes transferimos sus datos respetarán la seguridad de sus datos personales y los tratarán de acuerdo al RGPD. 

Solo permitimos que dichos encargados traten sus datos para fines determinados y de conformidad con nuestras instrucciones. No obstante puede solicitarnos, en cumplimiento de la transparencia un listado de quienes son estas empresas que nos prestan servicios, puede hacerlo al email:

 9. Seguridad de Datos.

Hemos implementado las medidas de seguridad adecuadas para evitar que sus datos personales se pierdan accidentalmente, se usen o accedan de forma no autorizada, se modifiquen o divulguen. Además, limitamos el acceso a sus datos personales a aquellos empleados, agentes contratistas y otros terceros que tengan una necesidad comercial de conocer dichos datos. Solo procesarán sus datos personales según nuestras instrucciones y estarán sujetos a un deber de confidencialidad. 
Hemos implementado procedimientos para tratar cualquier sospecha de violación de sus datos personales y se lo notificaremos a usted y a la Autoridad de Control en caso de que ocurriera, tal como queda regulado en el RGPD en sus artículos 33 y 34, una brecha de seguridad.



Legal information and acceptance

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the identifying information of the company is provided below. This website is made available to users by the entity, whose identifying information is as follows:
Corporate Name: Nagüeles Swans School, S.L
Tax Identification Number (C.I.F.): B92322148
Registered Address: Calle Lago de los Cisnes, s/n, 29602 Marbella, Málaga
Phone: +34 952.90.27.55

We have a Data Protection Officer, whom you can contact at the email:

Registration details: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Málaga on May 4, 2012, in Volume 2984, Book 1897, Folio 100, Section 8, Sheet MA 54362, Entry 2.

Corporate Name: The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L.
Tax Identification Number (C.I.F.): B29777372
Registered Address: Urb. El Capricho, s/n, 29602 Marbella, Málaga
Phone: +34 952.77.32.48
We have a Data Protection Officer, whom you can contact at the email:

Registration details: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Málaga on April 12, 2005, in Volume 1848, Book 761, Folio 175, Section 8, Sheet MA 25019, Entry 3.

Corporate Name: Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L.
Tax Identification Number (C.I.F.): B13731112
Registered Address: Calle Lago de los Cisnes, s/n, 29602 Marbella, Málaga.
We have a Data Protection Officer, whom you can contact at the email:

Registration details: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Málaga on May 25, 2023, in Volume 6340, Book 5248, Folio 218, Section 8, Sheet MA174464, Entry 1.

This legal notice sets out the general conditions that govern access to and use of this website, hereinafter "the website." The use of the website implies the express and full acceptance of these general conditions in the version published at the time the user accesses it, without prejudice to the specific conditions that may apply to some specific services on the website.

Access to the website is free, except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by users. Certain services are exclusive to our clients, and access is restricted.

The use of the Portal attributes the user status to the Portal (hereinafter, the 'User') and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the Portal service is limited to the time the User is connected to the Portal or any of the services provided through it. Therefore, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice each time they intend to use the Portal, as this and its conditions of use in this Legal Notice may undergo modifications.

Some services on the Portal accessible to Internet users or exclusive to the clients of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, may be subject to specific conditions, regulations, and instructions that, if applicable, replace, complete, and/or modify this Legal Notice, and must be accepted by the User before the provision of the corresponding service begins.

Intellectual and industrial property
This website and the content it hosts are protected by current legislation on intellectual property. Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L own or are licensees of all intellectual and industrial property rights of their website, as well as the elements contained therein. Therefore, the reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation of all or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, in any format and by any technical means, without the authorization of Terms and Conditions, is expressly prohibited.

The trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs are the property of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, either by industrial or intellectual property, without access to the Portal attributing any rights to the aforementioned trademarks, trade names, and/or distinctive signs.
All products and services on these pages that are NOT owned by Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are registered trademarks of their respective owners and are recognized as such by our company. They only appear on the website of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L for promotional and informational purposes. These owners may request the modification or removal of the information that belongs to them.

Conditions of use of the portal

3.1 General

The User agrees to make proper use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice. The User will be liable to Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L or third parties for any damages and losses that may be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation.

The use of the Portal for purposes detrimental to the assets or interests of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L or third parties, or in any way that overloads, damages, or disables the networks, servers, and other computer equipment (hardware) or information technology products and applications (software) of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L or third parties, is expressly prohibited.

3.2 Content

The User undertakes to use the Content in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice, as well as with other conditions, regulations, and instructions that may apply in accordance with the provisions of clause 1.
For purely indicative purposes, the User, in accordance with current legislation, must refrain from:
Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming, or modifying the Content, except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L or by the owner of the exploitation rights, as the case may be.

Reproducing or copying for private use the Content that may be considered as Software or Database in accordance with current intellectual property legislation, as well as its public communication or provision to third parties when these acts necessarily imply reproduction by the User or a third party.

Extracting and/or reusing all or a substantial part of the Content that makes up the Portal, as well as the databases that Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L make available to Users.

3.3 Introduction of links to the Portal

Internet users who want to introduce links from their own web pages to the Portal must comply with the following conditions, without the lack of knowledge of these conditions exempting them from the responsibilities derived from the Law:
The link will only link to the home page or main page of the Portal but may not reproduce it in any way (online links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.).

It is expressly prohibited, in accordance with applicable and current legislation at all times, to establish frames or frames of any kind that surround the Portal or allow the visualization of the Content through Internet addresses different from those of the Portal and, in any case, when they are displayed together with content outside the Portal in a way that: (I) causes, or may cause, error, confusion, or deception in users about the true origin of the service or Content; (II) constitutes an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (III) serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L or (IV) in any other way is prohibited by current legislation.

No false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements about Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, their partners, employees, clients, or the quality of the services they provide will be made from the page that introduces the link.

In no case will it be stated on the page where the link is located that Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L have given their consent for the insertion of the link or that they otherwise sponsor, collaborate, verify, or supervise the sender's services.

The use of any denominative, graphic, or mixed trademark or any other distinctive sign of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L within the sender's page is prohibited except in cases allowed by law or expressly authorized by Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L and, in these cases, always allowing a direct link to the Portal in the form established in this clause.

The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and may not, under any circumstances, have or link to its own or third-party content that: (I) is illegal, harmful, or contrary to morals and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) induces or may induce the User to the false conception that Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L subscribe, endorse, adhere to, or in any way support the ideas, statements, or expressions, lawful or unlawful, of the sender; (III) are inappropriate or not relevant to the activity of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L regarding the location, content, and theme of the sender's website.

Exclusion of liability

4.1 Information

Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are not responsible for decisions made based on the information provided on the Portal or for damages and losses caused to the User or third parties due to actions based solely on the information obtained on the Portal.

4.2 Quality of service

Access to the Portal does not imply an obligation on the part of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L to control the absence of viruses, worms, or any other harmful computer element.
It is the User's responsibility, in any case, to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are not responsible for damage to the computer equipment of Users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.

4.3 Service Availability

Access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks, the reliability, quality, continuity, and operation of which are not the responsibility of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L. Therefore, the services provided through the Portal may be suspended, canceled, or become inaccessible, prior to or simultaneously with the provision of the Portal service.

Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the User that arise from failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that result in the suspension, cancellation, or interruption of the Portal service during its provision or prior to it.

4.4 Regarding Linked Contents and Services through the Portal

The service providing access to the Portal includes technical linking devices, directories, and even search tools that enable the User to access other internet pages and portals (hereinafter referred to as 'Linked Sites'). In these cases, Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L act as service providers in accordance with Article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI). They will only be responsible for the contents and services provided on Linked Sites to the extent that they have effective knowledge of their unlawfulness and have not diligently deactivated the link. In the event that the User believes that a Linked Site contains illicit or inappropriate content, they may communicate it to Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, following the procedure and effects established in clause 6, without this communication implying the obligation to remove the corresponding link.

In no case should the existence of Linked Sites presuppose the existence of agreements with their owners, nor the endorsement, promotion, or identification of Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L with the statements, contents, or services provided.

Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are not aware of the contents and services of Linked Sites and therefore are not responsible for damages caused by the unlawfulness, quality, obsolescence, unavailability, error, and uselessness of the contents and/or services of Linked Sites, nor for any other damage that is not directly attributable to Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L.

5. Data Protection

You can refer to our Data Protection Policy (link) to understand how we use your personal data.

6. Reporting Unlawful and Inappropriate Activities

If the User or any other internet user becomes aware that Linked Sites lead to pages with unlawful, harmful, denigrating, violent, or morally objectionable content or services, they can contact Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, indicating the following details:
Personal information of the communicator: name, address, telephone number, and email address.

Description of the facts revealing the unlawful or inappropriate nature of the Linked Site.

In the case of rights violation, such as intellectual and industrial property, the personal data of the infringed right holder when different from the communicator.

It must also provide evidence proving the legitimacy of the rights holder and, if applicable, the representation to act on behalf of the owner when different from the communicator.

Express declaration that the information contained in the complaint is accurate.

The receipt of the communication by Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L, as provided in this clause, will not constitute effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the communicator, according to the provisions of the LSSI.

7. Notifications

All notifications and communications made by the parties will be valid in accordance with the means accepted by law. Those related to this Portal will be considered effective for all purposes if made through the Portal itself.

8. Modifications

Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L reserve the right to make, without prior notice, the modifications they consider appropriate on their website, being able to change, delete, or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented. On the other hand, these terms and conditions may change at any time. The modifications will take effect from the moment of their publication.

9. Social Media

Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are present on various social networks and platforms; therefore, when accessing any of these or other networks, it must be considered that the applicable conditions of use are those established by each platform, in which Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L do not intervene.

10. Legislation

This Legal Notice is governed in all its aspects by Spanish law. As long as the applicable law allows the waiver of the established legal jurisdiction, the courts of Málaga are designated as the jurisdiction to resolve possible disputes, with the user expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond.


Cookie Policy, Second Information Layer


Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L are responsible for the website, and use cookies and/or other similar functionality files (hereinafter "Cookies").

A cookie is a text file that a website, application, or other platform stores on your device, such as your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It contains information about your browsing or usage, such as a tag that identifies your device. Cookies are necessary to facilitate navigation and understand how users interact with websites, enabling improvements. They are also useful for customizing advertising based on preferences and for other purposes detailed below. Cookies do not harm your device.


Please review this section providing an overview of the different types of cookies that may be used in an online environment.

a) Own Cookies: These cookies are sent to the user's computer or device from the editor's own computer or domain, which provides the requested website or service.

b) Third-party Cookies: These cookies are sent to the user's computer or device from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor but by another entity that processes data obtained through cookies.

According to the purpose of the Cookie, they can be classified as:

Strictly Necessary Cookies (Technical): These allow the user to navigate a website, platform, or application and use different options or services offered. They play essential roles such as controlling traffic, identifying data or sessions, accessing restricted sections, remembering items in an order, managing payments, ensuring service security, allowing participation in events, storing multimedia content, and sharing content on social networks. These technical cookies are automatically downloaded when the website is displayed or the requested service is provided.

Functionality or Personalization Cookies: These allow remembering information to provide the user with a service or platform with specific features that differentiate their experience from other users. This may include language, the number of results shown in a search, the appearance or content of the service based on the browser used, or the region from which the service is accessed, among others. Not accepting these cookies may result in slow website performance or inappropriate recommendations.

Analysis Cookies: Used to collect information about the number of users, sections visited on the website, and their interaction with it. This data is used for statistical analysis of user usage patterns, aiming to identify areas for improvement.

Behavioral Advertising Cookies: Record and store information about users' browsing habits, facilitating the creation of specific profiles to display personalized ads. These cookies allow efficient management of advertising spaces included by the editor, either directly or in collaboration with third parties.


Cookies play a fundamental role in the operation of our website. Their main purpose is to enable more comfortable and efficient navigation. For example, they are used to remember your preferences during browsing and in future visits.

They also help us customize advertising based on your browsing habits. The information collected through cookies allows us to make statistical estimates and usage analysis, such as the number of visits and the most consulted sections. This enables us to improve our services and tailor the platform to your individual interests.

On some occasions, we use cookies to collect information that allows us to display advertising based on your browsing habits on our platform and other third-party platforms.

The following details both the third parties that may set and access cookies on your device and the purposes for which the information they store is used:


Analysis: Analytical cookies are used to create browsing profiles and understand user preferences to improve the offer of products and services. Google Click here


In the cookie settings panel, accessible at any time on our platform, you will find detailed information about the cookies we use. It specifies their purpose, duration, and who manages them (us or third parties). This panel allows you to manage the activation and deactivation of cookies that are not strictly necessary for the platform's operation, as well as change your consent at any time.

You can access the settings by clicking here to change your preferences or withdraw your consent (enable link).

On the other hand, you also have the option to disable the use of cookies in your browser while browsing the Internet. Below, we show you how to make this setting in the most common browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Opera

You can exercise this option to avoid the use of cookies at any time. Note that the management of the cookie settings panel and the option to reject them are specific to each browser you use. Therefore, if you configure cookies in a certain way on one device and want that option to apply similarly on another device, you must activate the same option on that other device.

Please note that some features of our website's content are only available if cookies are allowed in your browser. If you decide not to accept or block certain cookies (depending on their purpose), this may affect, either partially or completely, the normal operation of the website or prevent access to some of its services.


The information stored in the cookies on our website is used exclusively by us. However, some third-party cookies, managed by external entities, may be used to provide us with additional services. For more details, consult our cookie settings panel, accessible at all times on our website.

We suggest reviewing our Privacy Policy on our website for detailed information on how your personal data is processed in our collaboration with third parties, as well as in international data transfers. Additionally, we recommend checking the privacy policies and privacy settings of these external collaborators through their own platforms.


Nagüeles Swans School, S.L, The International Primary College of Marbella, S.L, and Swans Sierra Blanca School, S.L may modify this Cookie Policy based on new legislative or regulatory requirements or to adapt the policy to instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

If you would like more information about how we use cookies, you can email us at: 



Le informamos, que la presente dirección de email es exclusivamente con fines profesionales. Su utilización, es bajo el cumplimiento de nuestra Política de uso de Emails Corporativos.

 Este email y, en su caso, cualquier fichero adjunto al mismo, contiene información de carácter confidencial exclusivamente dirigida a su destinatario o destinatarios. Queda prohibida su divulgación, copia o distribución a terceros sin la previa autorización expresa y escrita de su autor. En el caso de haber recibido este correo electrónico por error, se ruega que se notifique inmediatamente esta circunstancia mediante reenvío a la dirección electrónica del remitente.

En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos y la Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico, le comunicamos que Nagüeles Swans School S.L. y The International Primary College of Marbella S.L. son responsables de los datos personales que puedan contenerse en este email y sus documentos adjuntos. La finalidad es la gestión de las relaciones institucionales, administrativas o de servicios entre ambas partes. La base legítima para el envío del mismo es el interés legítimo y la relación contractual o precontractual. Dispone de los derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión, así como el resto de derechos reconocidos del art. 15 al 22 de RGPD. No obstante, puede ampliar la información en nuestra página web: o ponerse en contacto con nosotros mediante nuestro Delegado de Protección de Datos:


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